GroundCheck Product Description, Disclaimer, Terms

Product Description

GroundCheck reports provide a preliminary assessment of site conditions based unique sources of published and unpublished geo- environmental data, prepared and presented by qualified and experienced geo-environmental consulting professionals. It describes the general distribution of expected subsurface materials including mapped geology, soil landscapes, acid sulfate soils, topography, flooding, insights from selected reports and borehole data, published groundwater and site contamination data in addition to optional detailed borehole log information (premium report only).

Commentary and mapping information in reports is preliminary and general in nature and does not explicitly identify potential geo-environmental hazards such as, but not limited to, site-specific landslip/instability, effects of man-made fill, reactive sites (shrink/swell), site-specific flooding or erosion risk, coastal erosion, chemically aggressive soils or groundwater, unpublished soil or groundwater contamination, presence of existing structures, utilities, etc.

Reports are intended to provide basic overview of site conditions suitable for typical Council development application (DA) requirements and pre-feasibility assessment. However, the level of information required by some Authorities for some sites varies and prescriptive investigation and reporting requirements may apply which are beyond the scope of reports.  The user should check relevant approval authority requirements to assess whether reports meet the site-specific approval requirements for the planning stage under consideration.  Depending on site conditions, zoning and/or approval authority requirements, additional information beyond that reported may include but not be limited to intrusive soil and/or groundwater investigations, sampling and testing, detailed risk assessment, site visits, detailed environmental site assessment and/or consideration of detailed groundwater impacts affecting the proposed or adjacent properties. Reports are not intended to meet the full requirements of NSW EPA Stage 1 or 2 Environmental Site Assessment Report requirements although may be used as supporting information for these studies.

Information contained in reports is reliant on third party data providers. Users should seek professional opinion or advice on site specific constraints or hazards which may affect the study area or development under consideration. This information is provided as general guidance only and is not intended to be an exhaustive statement of potential ground engineering constraints. Users should make their own assessment of ground engineering and site contamination risk and seek further advice to identify and mitigate potential geo-environmental risks which may be present at the site but not identified using the information available to GeoReports.

Default search extents used GroundCheck reports may vary according to the size of the subject site and density of available information nearby.

Search ExtentDescription
Local (R1):Search extent typically 150m – 500m radius
Regional (R2):Search extent typically 500m – 2,000m radius


Disclaimer: GroundCheck Reports provide an indicative overview of geo-environmental site conditions at the subject site based on selected information within the identified search extents. The information is preliminary in nature and is intended to provide general guidance appropriate for pre-feasibility assessments.  The scope of this report is limited to desktop review of published and privately held information, without undertaking any physical site inspection, intrusive investigation or site-specific sampling or any physical or chemical testing of any type.

Users of this report must satisfy themselves as to the suitability of the site for its intended use(s) by engaging professional advice regarding site conditions and site-specific risks.  This includes undertaking appropriate site inspections, review of other available reports and records, intrusive investigations and testing, as required. This report is not intended to provide legal advice or an opinion on the value of the property or its condition.  For any site development, further intrusive investigations are recommended to enable further characterisation of the type and distribution of subsurface materials, groundwater or any potential contamination.  You should obtain independent advice before you make any decision based on the information within the report. Detailed Terms, Conditions and Limitations applicable to use of this report are set out at the end of each report.

Report Terms, Conditions and Limitations

This GroundCheck Report (Report) is supplied in accordance with the general GeoReports Pty Ltd (GeoReports) Terms & Conditions available on the website at  Additional Terms, Conditions and Limitations specifically relating to the use of this Report are set out below.

Report Usage and Reliance:

  • This Report is provided for sole use by the purchaser (Client) and is confidential to them and its professional advisers. No responsibility whatsoever for the contents of this Report will be accepted to any person other than the Client.
  • This Report has been prepared for the particular purpose outlined in this Report; no responsibility is accepted for the use of this Report, in whole or in part, in other contexts or for any other purpose.
  • Any use which a third party makes of this Report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, is the responsibility of such third parties.
  • Data, information and related records, which have been used by GeoReports, have been produced for a specific purpose, and that may affect the type and completeness of the data recorded and any interpretation. The nature and purpose of data collection, and the age of the resultant material may render it unsuitable for certain applications/uses. You must verify the suitability of the material for your intended usage.
  • The use of this Report, the data, information and related records supplied in this Report by GeoReports can only be indicative and should not be taken as a substitute for specialist interpretations, professional advice and/or detailed site investigations. You must seek professional advice before making technical interpretations on the basis of the information provided.
  • This report has been generated by various sources and is provided for information purposes only. GeoReports does not warrant or represent that the information is free from errors or omission, or that it is exhaustive. GeoReports gives no warranty in relation to the information, especially material supplied by third parties. GeoReports accepts no liability for loss, damage, or costs that you may incur relating to any use or reliance upon the information in this report.
  • This Report does not purport to provide legal advice.


  • Geo-environmental observations and interpretations are made according to the prevailing understanding of the subject at the time. The quality of such observations and interpretations may be affected by the availability of new data, by subsequent advances in knowledge, improved methods of interpretation, and better access to sampling locations.  Conditions may exist which were undetectable given the limited nature of the research that GeoReports has been commissioned to undertake with respect to the site. Variations in conditions may occur between investigatory locations, and there may be special conditions pertaining to the site which have not been revealed by investigations and which have not therefore been taken into account in this Report. Accordingly, additional studies and actions may be required.
  • No geotechnical investigation can provide a full understanding of all possible subsurface details and anomalies at a site. In addition, it is recognised that the passage of time affects the information and assessment provided in this Report. The conditions described in this report are based upon information that existed at the time of the production of this Report. This Report cannot be used to assess the effect of any subsequent changes in the quality of the site, or its surroundings, or any laws or regulations.
  • This Report is based on reviews of third-party data, which included specific searches through relevant, historical databases and numerical data. It is assumed that the historical records were complete at the time of preparing each assessment report. This Report also relies upon data, measurements and/or results taken at, or under, the particular times and conditions specified in the third-party datasets referenced in this Report. Raw data may have been transcribed from analogue to digital format, or may have been acquired by means of automated measuring techniques. Although such processes are subjected to quality control to ensure reliability where possible, some raw data may have been processed without human intervention and may in consequence contain undetected errors. Detail, which is clearly defined and accurately depicted on large-scale maps, may be lost when small-scale maps are derived from them. Appropriate techniques for copying original records are used, but there may be some loss of detail and dimensional distortion when such records are copied. Data may be compiled from the disparate sources of information used by GeoReports, including material provided to GeoReports by third parties, and may not originally have been subject to any verification or other quality control process. While efforts are made to vet third party data, it is possible in some cases that conditions at the subject site may differ from that described.


  • Copyright in materials derived from third parties is owned by the party who commissioned the work or as otherwise stated in this Report. You may not copy or adapt this information, or provide it to a third party, without first obtaining their permission and a full acknowledgement of the source, or otherwise meeting the copyright licencing conditions applicable to republication of data sources including complying with relevant requirements relating to attribution, re-sale, modification or any other licence restrictions.
  • Maps throughout this report were created using ArcGIS® software by Esri. ArcGIS® and ArcMap™ are the intellectual property of Esri and are used herein under license. Copyright © Esri. All rights reserved. For more information about Esri® software, see


  • GeoReports acknowledges that if, under applicable State, Territory or Commonwealth law, the Client is a consumer, then certain rights may be conferred to the client including reimbursement to the amount equal to the cost of resupplying the Report.
  • Subject to the above, neither GeoReports nor the Client is liable to the other for any indirect, incidental,consequential, special or exemplary damages arising out of or in relation to using this Report under these these terms.
  • These Terms are subject to New South Wales law.
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